I get to hire a cleaning lady!!! I’m so excited! So I accepted the two classroom play assignments to pay for it (which is hardly anything to complain about…I LIKE that work…but, in theory, these two proposals I’m working on will pay for it, too…). I don’t know if I’m going to do those two mysteries for second graders or not…I’m still waiting for more information on that project. If it’s a quick job, I’ll probably take it (because I’m just a girl who can’t say no!). But if it looks like a big job…or if it looks like the kind of thing I’d have a chance selling on my own (i.e. if it’s NOT written to specific guidelines), I may pass…I’ve really got to get these proposals done. Plus it really kills me to see the Amazon sales ranks of these two potty books that just came out. When I think about what I was paid on an hourly basis to write those books, I’m happy. And at least I TRIED to get a royalty for that project (they said no). But now, seeing them come up on Amazon with all my other books makes me feel bad that I’m not earning a royalty on them. I don’t know enough about these mysteries to know whether that’s going to be the same sort of situation or not.

Yesterday morning I went for orientation for the writing class I’m going to be teaching at the Belin-Blank Center this summer. I’m starting to get excited about doing that…I had to write a letter to my students, which the Belin-Blank Center will send out…and I’m working on my course syllabus. I’ve got a lot of ideas for activities…I just wish I could think of someplace to take the kids. Most of the other classes go on a “field trip” somewhere. I’m just not sure where to take my class…maybe Prairie Lights will have something going on that I could take them to???


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